A pure entertainer. I youre looking for a couple of hours for entertainment than go for it. Jst a piece of advice in advance. LEAVE YOUR BRAINS AT HOME. No im serious.. This movie is all laughs from the beginning to the end. Just take the scenes between Vimmi(Rani) and Rakesh(Abhisheik) and Amitabh bachans drunk accent and you get the point. Well it all starts when two youngsters
have big dreams that can never be fulfilled in their small towns. With Vimmis dream of becoming a model and Rakeshs dream of becoming a Tata/Birla/Ambani you got your Bunty aur Babli. They meet at a train station and I must say the meeting is quite odd. But thats what makes it better. Togather from there they begin a jopurney to get to their destination. They go to Lucknow, they go to Kanpur they go to Agra they create hulchul evrywhere. Because from their experience theyve learned that honesty doesnt work so now they work dishonestly. Stealing is their game.. They pull it off with such cleverness. But what they dont know that it wont last long. They have amitabh bachan coming right behind them. Hes on the case. With his crazy drunk accent and the scenes he shares with rani and abhisheik are great. The funny thing is though bunty aur babli are right infront of him he doesnt recognze the. Did I forget to mention that there naughty names are bunty aur babli and nice civilized names given by parents are vimmi and rakesh. Thats what they are to the general world. Though they trick him to the near end and have pulled off their last theft they get caught. But see the thing is that amitbhji is a very kind cop
he lets them off the hook.. Though they stop stealing and live a normal life what they were remains their little secret. Watch it to belive it
Overall the acting was quite natural and comical to watch. The soundtarck was good and worth listening to for some masti songs. In some ways there is no ploty but the masti is the whole idea so I guess you could call it the plot. The movie can be watched with anyone but just not alone. I enjoyed the movie and I hope you do too. I dont know if my review will help but hopefully it will give you a somewhat better idea of the film.