This movies promos looked so promising and for a change, I thought the actual movie would keep up the interest generated by the promos.
But, I was hugely disappointed as this movie is purely nonense and nobody paid any attention to having a storyline for this movie but thought the blatant colors used will take care of the movie instead.
First half of the movie was slightly better and did give you a pleasant moment here and there and after that it was nonsensical ride till the end. I will review the acting of our bollywood stars as I felt about them
Rani: she was loud and very jarring to the neves throught the movie. Her dress sense was absolutely appalling in the entire movie.
Abhi: He can forget that he has done this movie, though he is improving in every movie this movie was definetly the shods for him.
Amitabh: Oh my gosh ! How can the Big B do a movie like this. I can simply term his acting in this movie as the WORST. no conviction and ridiculous role for such a great man.
Ash: What the hell is she doing here? I thought she is busy earning accolades for India abroad. Her dance number was nothing more than a cheap, sleazy dance number. Anways, she never was my favorite. The cold, icy, almost perfect woman are the most boring in real sense.
It is a roller coaster ride of the most boring kind, that is if u still want to see it ;-)