Topic Burger King
Intro I started going to Burger King back in the early 70s. I remember my first trip there. It was such a novelty to stand in a line and have your food put on a tray for you, and what great food, and so cheap. I got a whopper, fries and a drink for under $2.00. Well baby, those days are long gone and in more ways than one. What follows is what I feel are the good and bad and the ugly about Burger King today.
The Good Well, its still fairly cheap in comparison to going to a restaurant and plopping down 15 bucks for a dried up piece of steak and some vegies. But the only way youre going to spend under $2.00 today is if you get a small burger and a drink and thats it. The whoppers alone today are over $2.00 in some places. Still its about the cheapest meal out going. Also lets face it, unless you go during rush hour you get served in record time. I can take my daughter to a B.K. at 12:30 for lunch and be out of there before 1:00. Nothing beats the speed of this place, but then again most fast food places are like that. So what separates B.K. from those other places? Well, its the food. And this is where we come to...
The Bad Sorry guys, but even as fast food places go B.K. isnt what it used to be. The burgers are relatively tasteless except for all the junk they put on them. Plus, and maybe you havent noticed this, the size of the burgers has shrunk. The reason is simple, costs. The fries most times are luke warm as they have to make them in advance for the swarms of people that come in. I will admit though that the onion rings are still very good and the best tasting item there. The drinks are pretty watered down from what they used to be, but thats true about drinks in general (see my soft drinks article) All in all, you really do get what you pay for. Will B.K. fill you up? Yeah, I guess (not at $2.00) but as for nutrition, we wont even go there.
The Ugly Because of their mass marketing campaign and constant giveaways this is where kids want to go, and if you have kids like most of us do, then you have no choice but to take them to B.K. I personally try to avoid this once really great place to eat at all costs.
Bottom Line You wont get food poisoning going to B.K. You wont even make faces at the taste of the food. But if youre looking for a taste treat that will have you leaving the place with a big smile on your face because the food was so great, well then youre going to be very disappointed. Burger King today is big business, and big business means cutting costs which means cutting quality. Yeah, I can still taste the great whoppers of old, if only in my mind.