Hi there...... Im proud to say that I am the BIGGEST cranberries fan in the Republic of India... its true.... I worship them..... and can take on any of you who would disagree on that.... Ill try and make the review unbiased....
1) Animal Instinct is by far the most amazing song..... Wonderful Lyrics, an innovative video but most importantly, AMAZING vocals.... One could simply DROOL over the backing vocals... unfortunately, theyre drowned but can be made to stand out with certain audio players (I use Crown) Excellent opening track....
2) Loud n Clear is absolutely amazing for the simple reasons that the lyrics are excellent (female domination for you.... truly what one couldve expected from Dolores) and the vocals are loud and powerful to go with the theme of the tracks...
3) Promises... well, its an excellent track (Psst.... she used to get so emotional about this song that shed shed a few tears every time she sang this song) but not really their best.... Its about Divorces in Ireland, by the way....
4) Just My Imagination is VERY good pop... so much so that it was performed on Charmed (Well, not really performed... they were playing the studio version and she was lipping the whole thing).... Its quite and I mean QUITE a change from the theme of their first 3 albums.... Some people like it, some dont (Rock music lovers wont like it but open minded ones will)....
5) You n Me is once again pretty cool but thats just cos I love them... I dont know why it was used as a single.. it aint THAT great... quite the mood of JMI, only SLIGHTLY sober..... Its about her son Taylor so incase you hear here saying Tay-li-loho in the end, thats just her irish way of saying Taylor....
6) Shattered is one big favourite, thats for certain.... the lyrics are soo deeply meaningful that one is never sure that the song has been completely interpreted... Amazing vocals but she doesnt perform it too well in concerts.... a little out of tune...
7)Desperate Andy : Hot track! Really good guitar-playing...... Love the ending
8) Saving Grace : WHAT an emotional track.... it gets slightly dull if you hear it over n over again as many times I did, but hear it often enough (not too often) and its absolutley amazing.... performed REALLY well Live.....
9) Copycat - I dont LOVE this song... I like it when Im listening to it and dont when Im not.... The lyrics are AWESOME but the music is very average..... And its very relevant during this era of remixes.... <p>
10) Whats On My Mind : It is said to be the only decent song on this album by pessimistic fans..... so you can only imagine how great itd be..... It has a scintillating country-like sound to it..... VERY different to anything else of theirs... infact, there IS no other song like this.... I think they recorded 1 (7 years) for their 5th album but didnt release it....
11) Delilah : Loud n Powerful.... written about a woman called Delilah who tried to flirt with Doloress husband in a bar..... amazing guitars... performed well in concerts....
12) Fee Fi Fo : 1 word...... WOW! I absolutely ADORE this song.... the lyrics are sooo good... I think its about rape but I might be wrong(fat chance).... Its slow, emotional but one of the loudest tracks of the album.... WHO cant love this track!
13) The (normal) album ends with this song..... I dont really know why they want you to be crying when the CD stops playing..... You people ever heard the song Zombie? Well, this one is as good, if not better..... It is the most FABULOUS song on the enitre album... if you dont wanna buy it, dload this track... (you might change your mind) The ideal track to listen to when either you are depressed, or you wish to hear some of the BEST tracks in this universe....
B-Sides - Im tired of writing so a short summary on tracks that Mightnt be included on the CD but are available on the Complete Sessions, i.e., album re-release with bonus tracks :
a) Sorry Son : Very nice... cute lyrics, not based on anything.... you feel like hopping while listening to this....
b) Baby Blues : Silly Lyrics, AMAZING music..... it makes you feel soooo happy.... wants to make you dance..... I think its written about the joys of having a baby.... if I wee them, Id have included this in the main album....
c) The Sweetest Thing : Okay lyrics, okay music, not a favourite, very good chorus, good pop
d) Woman Without Pride : very short track with meaningful lyrics, strange music and its over before you can say Id like to hear more of it
e) Such A Shame : Silly song, she sounds really funny on this track.... <p>
f)Papparazi Moepeds : VERY meaningful song, morose music, VERY powerful singing... If you like this kinda stuff, dload it.... or buy the complete sessions.... Hokay! That does it.... Hope it aint too biased.... This is the biggest Cranhead of India, signing off.... (Luv ya Dolores, Noel, Mike and Fergal)