Hi investor
We are still not cleared about the city limousines activity.
where is investment goes?
Why the MD of the company has not spoken a word about the recent development?
Is the money is freezed or they dont have sufficient fund to repay the investor?
why govt is not taking any step for the investor?
Are the fund is used illegally?
why there no clarification on How much money is involved and how many investors are invested?
how long will it take to come to normal?
Are investor has to forgo the invested money?
Where is the total investment gone?
How much money are in banks and assets?
Is govt taking any action on similar companies?
What is the future about other similar companies?
Why the MD of the company want to go back to US leaving behind the aggrieved investor?
14.Is the company involved in any other scam apart from EOw case?
If it is negative then why court is not closing the case after imposing a penalty on the company?
How long the investor should wait to know the clear picture? No assumption pls.
What action the poor investor should do immediately?
Why cant the court issue a order to release the payment monthly without freezing the account?
If the case is involved as published in newspaper to 300 cr. Why the court is freezing all accounts related to company including the assets.?
Who is to be blamed - company / investor / Govt.?