Business Line is an unique business daily in India. Unlike the Economic Times, which is more of a Business paper, the Business Line is a paper about economics. Those interested in the serious views and analysis on the economy and markets will find Business Line delightful.
The paper models itself on The Wall street Journal, by being a white business journal. Its news are less sensational as compared to the other business dailies in India. It gives equal importance to the new and old economy.
I always believe that money can be made in those sectors where less noise is made. Thats what the Business Line follows, it focuses on those sectors that offer great potential. The quality of journalism is as good as any publication from The Hindu group.
The paper does suffer from the lack of good supplements. It does not offer a good read during the weekends. It can be boring for some who have just started to show interest in markets and economics. I would recommend the FE or ET for them.
Business Line is also a great value for money. It does not fill its pages with advertisements as is the case with most business journals. Another suprising factor is that it is less left leaning than its parent publication The Hindu.