Business Today is a great magazine to read if you want to be in touch with the world of business. Excellent coverage, wonderfully written articles....
So far so good..
But in case you intend to subscribe to it... I would suggest thinking again...
Had a 1 year subscription to the mag... And would spend the first few days of every fortnight gazing wistfully at the latest issue of the magazine on the newspaper stands wondering when my subscribed copy would find its way into my home (in the urban chaos of Mumbai). Eventually, after 3 - 4 days alraedy gone by and probably half the readers having already read the mag... it would land at my doorstep.... thank God I dont live in the rural hinterlands.... it would probably have reached after my subscription ran out!!!!
Anyways, as soon as my subscription was running out... they came up with this offer for a 5 year subscription where I was promised a coffee-maker... Renewed for a 5-yr period... the mag is too good to miss (even though the delivery could be speeded up)...
That was May and this is now October.... still waiting for the gift.... which was supposed to have been delivered within 6 - 8 weeks... (Lets hope it reaches in 6 - 8 months!!!!)
Repeated emails to the customer service first brought incessant promises to deliver within a week, then an email stating that the coffee makers were not available and now no response at all.....
BT, Please wake up... Your customer service sucks bigtime!!!!