Butterfly Effect is about a boy of 7 years called Evan Treborn(Ashton Kutcher) that suffers about mental blackouts ... and he doesn`t remember things that happened, so his mom takes him to the doctor and the doctor said that he must write some journals everyday, to remmeber what happen that day ..
13 years later , at college he starts to read one of his old diaries, and suddenly a flashback of memories came to his mind! It appears his brain has finally released some of his lost memories. But to relive old memories can have dramatic consequences in the future ... it`s really interesting ... this movie has 4 endings, which I have seen two and they are AWSOME ... you have to see this movie .. it is great ..
It is kind of censored for violence, sexual content, language and brief drug use .. In early versions of the script, the character of Evan was originally Chris Treborn. When the T is moved over, it becomes Christ Reborn. This was changed to Evan Treborn, which is a play on Event Reborn.
Ashton Kutcher did extensive research on psychology, mental disorders, and chaos theory to prepare for his role in this film. .. I really, really liked this movie, I think it`s great and the best movie ever , really it`s so interesting!!! so different .. my mother first doesn`t like it for the violence and sexual content, but then I told her the essence of the movie so she watch it again and then she told me: you are right, that movie is GREAT. This is the best actuaction of Ashton .. definitely.