Never Ever go for Butterfly appliances. We had a very bad experience within the first 2 days of buying it. We bought it in Hyderabad. Weve switched on the mixer for the first time.. and it stopped in like about 30 seconds. Weve tried everything like the reset button at the bottom, removing the contents of the jar and others. When we finally took it to the electronics shop(from where we bought it), theyve checked it and asked us to come back the other day.
Theyve dragged us to their shop everyday for a whole week and everyday they say some new problem arose with it. Finally we got to know that the motor and the windings inside are not properly soldered. Ive come to know for the first time in my life that we can sell literally any kind of crap in the market by just putting a name to it. We can also sell mixers without testing them.
The three year warranty they gave us is not applicable for a replacement. They only repair it. And now since we made the mistake of buying it, we need to go to him whenever a problem arises and wait for few weeks till they find out the problem.
They dont even have a customer care number printed on their manual or anywhere else on the pack. Such poor service from them. Ive heard and known from elders that brands like Preethi and Sumit are the best when it comes to mixer/grinder. Weve asked for Preethi when weve gone to purchase the mixer. But the shop dealer is so good in convincing us that Preethi has lots of complaints and he made us buy Butterfly.
Purely our mistake to listen to him. Always go by your experience and not what the shop person says. It took us 4400rs plus a week around the shop person to understand this fact. Just wanted to warn other customers. So that they dont make this same mistake we made.