This review has been written with a lot of work both physically and mentally. So please rate and comment it so that I could be thankful to you.
Now I am going to discuss about the Hardware first.
A long lasting assembled computer can be achieved as follows:
The best brand of monitors you can get in the market are Samsung. These long last and are made of good quality. These also have a special feature named high light. By that option during watching movies we can get the orginal picture. These also cause less damage to the eye when compared to other monitors like LG and HCL.
The operation of these monitors is also easy and can be easily understood. If still your eyes are paining you can keep or attach a eye saving screen. That screen should be also of Samsung brand. The local screens are of less quality. The model SAMSUNG SyncMaster 763 DFX is the best monitor available in the present market. The size of the monitor depends on your budget. I recommend 17 inches monitor. Because if you purchase a 15 inches monitor there will be no interest in watching movies.
If you go for an 17 inches monitor then go for flat. Because flat monitors clarity is good. If you think that flat monitors clarity is not up to the mark then go for a LCD monitor. There is no competition for that. That is the latest in monitors. Thus the monitor is decided.
There are many famous brands of key boards. But the best among those is the intex key board. Its keys are correctly arranged and are easy to press. The keys are having a depression in them. This helps in proper key press. Always go for a multimedia key board. It has many options like adjustment of the volume, CD player and many more. The intex key board also consists of two small speakers for listening songs in silence. The keys of the intex key boards are also broad and are smooth to press. There is also a micro phone pin to it. You can also listen the songs by the means of micro phone or ear speakers. Now the key board is decided.
The most important part of the computer is the processor. There are several processors available. But among those the most latest and best processor is Intel Pentium 4. Do not go for Celeron versions because they cause lots of problems. With Pentium 4 processor there will no problems. It also lasts long. It is strongly built and is virus free.
Check the seal before the shop keeper hands you the processor. Always ask for the serial number to him. Then check that the serial number on the processor and on the box are equal. This is done because some times he fixes a old or damaged processor. Ensure that the fan behind the processor is working. Other wise the processor becomes heated and stops working once and for all. Always buy the processor from a certified shop. Now the processor is decided.
The best CD- writer available these days is LG. because it does not get heated up quickly. It has no door opening problem. Some of the Writers like Samsung have this door opening problem and are very delicate. The LG writer burns the CD very smoothly.
Some writers burst while burning. It could be dangerous to you and your computer or for your house! The maximum speed by which this writer burns the CD is 52 x. Always ensure that the writer is in good condition and the door is opening and closing well.
By the above points the CD-Writer is decided.
The best available printer is HP. It gives us quality prints. It gives no problems. There is no frequent ink filling. It is compactable. It is small in size and can fit any where on the computer table.
Laser mouse is far better than ball mouse. Ball mouse always gives a problem of strucking. But there is no such ball in the case of laser mouse. No strucking. It can be easily moved with out any problem. Take a mouse which has a scroll button. Because it becomes easy especially when you are surfing on the net. The best mouse available in the present market is Intex laser mouse. It lasts long. It is of good quality. The mouse pad also should be in good condition. So the mouse is decided.
If you are a simple and decent fellow and listen to less songs with less sound then 100 or 200 watts speakers are very much good for you. Microtek speaker are good for less sound and also for durability.
But. if you are a music lover and listen to rock and pop generes of music then better go for 1000 or 1500 watts speakers. The best available speakers are Kenwood. These are made of good qualaity material. These are known for their durability and long lastivity. These produce good beat sounds which all the youth love.
They also come with remote control which is very useful. The 1000 or 1500 watts speakers come with 6 individual speakers. They all can be kept at one place or your house can be made a home theater by arranging all the speakers in all the four sides of your house. So the Speakers are decided.
MODEM: The external modem is far better than internal modem. Because it receives imformation fastly than internal modem. The # 1 best selling modem of India is Acer modem. It gives no problems. Don’t go for Intex modems because they are of waste quality and are not made for Indian tough computers.
Now lets go for the Software of the computer.
The best operating system for the last five years is Microsoft 98 SE. Microsoft XP is also good but a little bit complicated. Microsoft 98 is less complicated and thus less problems. The pattern of arrangement of programs in 98 is excellent. Ones computer be boosted by making it in to dual operation. By this both 98 and XP can be loaded in the computer. 98 is also the basic and commonly used operating system.
Even you get a small problem then any one in your village or city can fix it. Always buy original 98 or XP CD’s because burned CD’s get lot of virus in them. And don’t forget that internet should always be operated in 98 because XP gives a lot of problems. Hence the operating system is decided.
There are a lot of local anti virus programmes. But never go for them because they cause harm to the computer. Always go for Norton Anti virus database. It is best in its level than any other. It fixes viruses effectively and with speed. So the Anti virus database is decided.
Now lets keep all the things in order and see by which products the computer becomes long lasting, durable and much safer.
Monitor - SAMSUNG branded any one
Key board - Intex key board
Processor - Intel Pentium 4
CD-Writer - LG
Printer - HP
Mouse - Intex laser mouse
Speakers - Microtek / Kenwood
Modem - Acer modem
Operating system - Windows 98 and XP
Anti virus - Norton anti virus.
Thus if you buy a computer with all the above specifications then the computer will be long lasting and durable.
Thanks for reading.
Don’t forget to rate and comment my review.
E X T E N D I N G L I M I T S ………………………………………….