Well, firstly just think over why you need a pc? is it gaming, movies, songs etc etc. though I dont think it should make much of a difference as far as the basic configuration of ur pc is concerned. The latest in line is a p4, 256mb sd ram, clock speed - 2.8 ghz with high technology.
Though many ppl. might say a p2 or a celeron is cool for home use I wouldnt say so. There are many applications which require p3 or above and it is better to by a p4 as you arent going to buy a pc every year. Though a 2.4 ghz pc is enough for normal usage if u are going to do ne coding or are going to run many tasks at the same time better to go for a 2.8 ghz clock speed. With a 2.4 u will need an 845 intel original motherboard(dont take chipset mother board) and with a 2.8 u will need an 865 intel original motherboard. And I dont recommend athlon as it is nothing as compared to a p4.
All other things are secondary and I think u should concentrate mainly on the above three main components. As far as monitor, keyboard is concerned samsung monitors and logitech keyboards are the most popular. take care to buy an optical mouse and not a wheel mouse, esp. If u live in a dusty area.
If you love music, then buy creative speakers with seperate woofers, they cost from 1400 - 1600 bucks but are worth the money.
Now another important factor, ur operating system. Unless you are a very good programmer dont go for linux, there arent enough support applications in themarket for it and you have to do a lot of search on the net. Go in for windows xp and make sure your dealer gives you the supplementary patches and the latest service pack2.
As such there is no need to go in for a branded pc as they cost way too much as compared to ne benifits they might have. Warranty is given on induvidual products of an assembled pc also, but if this is the first time you gonna use a pc( I dont think so u are reading this on the net) then go in for a branded one so that nobody can fool you.
And last of all there are new softwares coming in the market every day so just keep ur pc and ur antivirus upto date.