Hey may be I was stupid .
well here it is
the best pc u can go for is an assembled one because all the company pcs are also assembled like take for example hcl has a lg monitor but they would have stuck their own name HCL on it and they use mercury mother boards for all the processors ranging from p4 - intel celeron.
I would like to add that mercury mother boards are some what slow than the original intel motherboards hey who cares u get it cheap and it the best ie, mercury
mercury boards are made in taiwan as shown in the boards which have a bold group of words MADE IN TAIWAN.
The pc must be both useful for home and office.
Children have to pay more attention to their studies and not play 3d games.which they can with any latest pc.Nowadays pcs come with and with out agp(accelerated graphic peripheral)
with out which u would be sitting in front of a computer with a bad graphics.
The other one is ur hard disk drive(hdd) which comes in various sizes like 1 - 40gb
well nowadays 1-20gb are obsolete they are no longe in production.when 40 gb came it was a total failure the system would crash but now the companies have done their best to give only quality product for example samsung 40gb and seagate 40gb to say samsung has long life but it is costly around 4000/-rs and it may be slow it has very good life and it doesnt make any noise after a few months it noise guard.seagate has some life but it is the fastest when compared to samsung.so for those who need another hdd for ur old computer go for samsumg and there is another thing if u have a seagate u must put seagte as ur slave or else u must compromise on the transfering speed.
The other one is the Random Access Memory(RAM).there are many types of ram mainly
1)dram(dynamic random access memory)
2)sdram(sychronous dynamic random access memory)
3)rdram(rambus dynamic randon access memory)
of the above we use sdram and rd ram.sdram are cheap and have a decent speed.rd ram is the latest one it is used for intel p4 it can be easily identified from the heat sink on its side.
then the floppy disk drive(fdd)
it is the oldest peripheral it has gone through a lot of changes like from 5.25fdd to 3.5fdd.they are the basic external stor age device.without which u cannot transfer important stuffs like jpeg, txt, doc, ppt files
then the cd rom
cd is an optical storage media which has revolutionised data storage techniques.A cd can store upto 800mb of information.so a cd drive is must in every computer today.
there are many companies who produce the drive.The popular brands r given below
I would recommend lg 52x(u may ask what is thatx it is when a audio cd is read in ur player it rotates slow when compared to cd roms 52x means that it can spin the cd at a rate of 52 times than that of an audiocd player)
then the main stuff the cabinet in which u put every thing and connect it which has to set for both length and breadth of ur mother board it comes with SMPS(switch the mode of power supply)the computer peripherals use DC(direct current)but the plug in ur office or home give AC(alternating current).so the ac hasto be converted into dc which is 220v 50HZ to 12volts dc.THe cabinet are of many types.I would recommend a mercury ATX which can power two cd-roms
and two hdd and two fdd.which might change from company to company.
then comes the key board and mouse which are in large number so u can choose from high end to the cheapest one.
then the modem which nowadays are internal it would cost u around 785/-rs
if ur a hard core gamer I would recommend u to buy a computer with a seperate graphic card
and the sound can also be improved if u have a seperate sound card.
thats it from me
all u have to do is choose the best peripheral and assemble it any enjoy
happy computing
arun shankar