Buying a desktop may be a cheap option but think of having to stick around the same old desktop for th next 5 years when your neighbour has a seek and sexy Laptop.
If you are thinking of buying a computer you should go for a laptop. Why?
Laptops are the future.
Desktops are going to be obsolete in the next 2 to 5 years.
The prices are coming down heavily.
The laptop is mobile.
The laptop does not need a UPS!
The laptop does not need a dedicated desk.Thats why it a LAP top!
It consumes no electricity compared to a desktop.
It can se sold with a lot of its value retained.
Laptop have licenced software so NO PIRACY.
Can be used in home and business.
We in India have the gift of Tecnological Tsunami so why sitck to obsolete hardware.