Myths & Reality
This topic is an every lasting one wether to go for Plasma or LCD -
This will rely on 4 things, budget, technology, requirement, current scenario.
Reality -
Lcds are way expensive and experts recommend LCD for screen sizes 36 inches and
below.If going for a higher screen size go for plasma.
Plasmas do not suffer burn in as all new plasmas have anti burn in software and options present, u just need to enable them from menu, and burn in wont happen.Also for the first 300 hours of usage u have to set up the plasma properly just like u do with a new car, we wont drive a new car at top speed as soon we get it out of the showroom right we need to run in first 1000kms.
Same is for plasma for first 300 hours, keep brightness and contrast settings low, avoid watching prgrams that have static logos, now u will say all channels have them but they also have ads in between right.
Plasmas offer a wider viewing angle than LCD greater than 170 degrees . LCD offer a smaller viewing angle.
Plasmas have a smilar life span and they last upto 60, 000 hours, true the birghtness will reduce after 30, 000 hours, but if plasmas are used properly with correct display settings they last more than LCDs as even after 60, 000 hours the brightness will reduce, but the y will still continue to function
Plasmas have a higher contrast ration and produce a better picutres because of the same specially the blacks, LCDs are not able to produce true blacks and the screen will look greyish
Plasmas do not consumer more power, infact most of the times they will consume same or less as LCD pixels are always emitting light and are turned on, while plasma it will turn on and off depending upon how much brightness is required and each pixel in plasma is charged so for black scenes less power is used.
Plasmas are cheaper u can get a 42 inch samsung plasma for 75K same size LCD
will cost above 1 lakh
Regarding the pixel clarity everyone is talking about its
thats the way I put it and will tell u why ?
- HD broadcast is atleast 3 to 5 years away. By the time it comes, the entire
technolgy, Tvs will change.
- As of now all we get is SD- standard definiton which is pretty good and give
great pictures.
- All our local cable and DTH is in 4:3 letterbox format, whts the use of
watching it on a widescreen when ur stretching the image and it completely
loses its trueness
4.Higher the pixels more clarity is needed same is the signal u need a HD
signal to really bring out the colour and performance of a HD LCD TV,
unfortunately we dont have any
- In shops they play HD content and we really like the LCD & Plasma . try
playing the regular cable and see the pciture quality its looks bad really bad
sepcially on the new HD tv with high pixels
- For gamers or people who have loads of money to waste sure why not go ahead
and get a HDTV
- For a buyer thinking to upgrade from a 29 inch to higher think wht u are
really going to use ur tv for, watching cable, palying games, using it with PC
or watching movies and then take a call what u want to get
- We dont really want to buy a HDTV now and after 3 years when, HDTV comes to
india, upgrade to a newer model with high reoslution and features as technology
keeps changing all the time.
Last but not the least, if ur really want to go for a high end better Tv, go
for a Standard definiton plasma or one which is HD ready as it will serve the
purpose well.
Plasmas still display better cable tv due to thier capability ofproducing true
balcks and are more suitable for cable or DTH. Last but not the least always remember this is India and not US. Whatever Tv u buy be it 75k or 1 lakh warranty is just 1 year,
abroad manufacturers give 3 years warrantys , or one can also buy an extended
warranty on these big tvs in india all this does not exsist.
If any new prespective buyer has any questions he is welcome to ask,
Update -
Plasmas have the burn in problem where in the intital 300 odd hours of running if an image is left static on the TV the pixel may get burnt and image will remain their pemanently. For the same anti burn in feature and program is present which rotates or refreshes the pixel in background so burn in does not occur even if the image is displayey continuously.
LCD - Although LCD televisions do not suffer from burn-in susceptibility, it is possible that individual pixels on an LCD televisions can burn out, causing small, visible, black or white dots to appear on the screen. Individual pixels cannot be repaired, the whole screen would need to be replaced at that point, if the individual pixel burnout becomes annoying to you.