I am sure if asked to anyone working in the Information Technology, better know as the IT industry, Is the IT downfall over? The prompt reply would be NO!! Then why are so many career hunters still going for a career in IT? I guess that’s their problem, why should we bother?
Well!! When the IT industry was in the full boom and I too wanted an easy visa for a phoren country ;o) I joined this Center for Diploma in Advance Computing. C-DAC’s Advance Computing Training Schools ACTS DAC – Diploma in Advance Computing course. Phew!! Didnt I tell you its a great course? LoL!!
The PARAM range of Super Computers of India has been developed by C-DAC, which is a scientific society of ministry of information technology, Government of India
C-DAC ACTS since 1993 have been giving quality training on the advance and currently hot subjects in the IT industry. ACTS have more than 100 authorized centers throughout India and offer around 8 different part-time/fulltime courses on various scopes like multimedia and software of the IT industry.
Cost Less, Gives More
This course cost you less compared to the other institutes. It will be around 60 thousand Rs, if you are lucky to get admission to the local institute and around 75-80 thousand Rs, if you are lucky to get admission to the out of town institute… what, this is a huge amount? Check out the fees of the other institutes and the subjects they cover in their courses. The course will have almost everything related to a particular scope.
Still feel the fee is too much and you won’t be able to afford? Bank loans are available for the less privilege, the EMI starts only after completion of the course. :o)
Best School, Better than the best Course
Excellent competitive environment in the school helps you to study hard and in a disciplined manner. Their labs, which are open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, have the latest hardware and software versions available in the market. The best faculties invited for guest lectures on the weekend.
The full time course with 8 hours a day seems to be completing in a very fast pace. Both part/full time courses are well designed and you have to really work hard to be with the course. If you miss 2 days of lectures, you might miss a subject. Passing in all the subjects before the completion of the course is a must if you want your certificate.
Getting In
For joining the course you have to be a graduate, 12+4 preferred. No that’s not all, you should have a basic computing knowledge and C Computing language to clear the entrance exam, which comprises of Aptitude, basic computing and C language multiple choice questions, and believe me the paper is not easy.
Will you get a job?
Well! I think anyone promising this, with current market scenario is fooling you. C-DAC does genuinely try to get as many companies as possible for the campus. Getting a job in one of them is entirely on your performance. I was not lucky enough to get a job through their campus :o(
So, All The Best to all the future leaders of the IT industry.
P.S: This write-up is entirely based on my personal experience. I did really feel C-DAC has boosted my market value.