Bangalore: Stoned Love
CKCs Diamond Lounge
I was entranced by my grandmums nose stud when I was a baby. It glittered when she was angry, glimmered when she laughed. It could be haughty when she was teaching me table-manners, and radiate beauty when she was throwing me up in the air. Itd be years before I knew it was called a diamond. But that didnt matter: Id already fallen in love with it.
So when my fiance suggested a trip to C Krishnaiah Chetty & Sons exclusive diamond lounge, it was my grandmum who flew into my thoughts. She was with us as the valet took charge of our car and a hostess led us into the 14, 000 sq ft store. I felt her quiver a bit at the array of sparklers all around: Solitaires, coloured diamonds, designer diamonds in rings, pendants, sets and more. At the Tolkowsky section, I thought she listened attentively as the attendant talked us through the old European houses history and the science of cutting diamonds.
We were looking for a simple engagement ring. At CKCs though, theres no discrimination between big-ticket and small: The attendant who served us was knowledgable and well-spoken and guided us gently into making a choice. Theres also the reassurance of theUltimate Diamond Certificate, which can be verified by any authority in the world.
As we tried to make a choice between a square stone and a round one, I felt my grandmums presence again. "Youve already chosen wisely, " I thought she said. And then I heard her laugh, just as when she threw me up in the air and I whooped for joy.
CKCs Flagship Diamond Jewellery Specialist Store. The Touchstone, 2-1 Main Guard Cross Road, next to Safina Plaza, Bangalore 1. Tel: 40001869. Prices start at Rs 3000 until your pockets drop.