C.V Raman is a reputed private college of odisha . It offers different stream to pursue btech engineering especially mechanical engineering which is considered to be best in cv raman above all private colleges.
CV raman has the biggest benefit of offering a career of Marine engineering with IMU affilation under central government. Besides C.V Raman also offers diploma courses for aspirants.
Morever the serene beauty of C.V Ramans environment gives much pleasant feeling to eyes and soul. I am sure you will fall in love with the environment and greenary here, as a good n healthy mind and soul will make you more motivated towards success. Above all these now a days all we worry about is job after 4 years of studying isnt it ? But be sure for your future to be safe in here because alot of top companies come here in C.V Raman campus placements and you will have alot of oppertunities for your career. I am grateful to be a student of C.V Raman college of engineering.