’’Make it the Way you like!!’’ This is the Best thing I can write about Cadbury Cocoa Powder! If you are found of cooking and looking out for good cocoa flavor in your recipe, this is the perfect! Whether it be chocolate Barfi, chocolate Ice-cream, chocolate cake or be it a hot cocoa drink! Think of a recipe, add cocoa as blend to flavor, and make it your way!
To try it, make your own recipes. I call my kitchen as my Lab. I made my once, by adding Cadbury cocoa to normal Basundi, with ’Cocoa Basundi’.
You can have a quick make for those surprise guests who are too particular about food and taste, here I once tried my own recipe ’’hot cocoa dip bread crumbles’’, sounds strange, but it had been real delicious, and well appreciated. For best results, I suggest you not to add any other aroma or garnish with any nuts or nutmegs having strong aroma, say for example elaichi which spoils the whole flavor, elaichi flavored cocoa, never try this.
So next times, when you are partying, and want something chocolaty, make your own quick dish with this. I recommend using along with condensed milk for better results.
Enjoy Cooking, Enjoy!