Once upon a time there was a little boy who, because of the war, had not tasted chocolate for five long years. Aaaah!
Then as the war ended and things began to get back to normal and rationing stopped, he suddenly came across cocoa as well as chocolate. Hooray!
But this cocoa was dark and bitter and not to the liking of a small boy, so he never drank cocoa. Boo!
But unknown to his parents, until they eventually found out, he would get a small paper bag put some of this dark bitter cocoa powder into it, add some sugar and shake it all up and sneak off to bed. Hooray! And er! Boo for being found out.
Under the cover of the bedclothes he would lick his finger dip it into the mixture and then lick his finger and continue thus well into the night savouring every finger full until all that was left was a soggy and chocolate stained empty bag and face and finger. He would add that being a good little boy he washed his hands and face before going to bed so his dipping finger was clean. Hooray!
Then came Cadbury’s Drinking Chocolate and his world changed overnight. No more need to add any sugar as the powder was already sweetened. Hooray!
Although, not quite nearly enough for a small, sweet toothed boy. A small Boo!
So there was no need to risk a fate worse than death if he was caught mixing cocoa powder with sugar and taking it to bed. Hooray!
Now he could put some cocoa powder in a cup, pour in a few drops of milk and stir it until it all became a thick creamy mixture. He could pour in the boiling water and the result was a cup of delicious cocoa with a frothy head, to which he added just a little sugar and some more milk. Hooray!
From then on he slept the sleep of the innocent and dreamed of whatever it is that small boys dream of.