I am obsessed, I am a lover,
I am weak and at a loss of power,
In your presence my heart cowers,
My body shakes and my mouth waters.
I want to take you to my bed,
And unwrap you after covering my head,
I’m worried that we’ll be spotted,
And guilt will make my face so red.
As I open you and feel your body,
Your texture is so smooth, so wavy,
Your color is so brown, so tawny,
Your size is so thick, so juicy
I open my mouth wide to take you in,
I know that whatever I am doing is a sin,
It is my desire that I’have no control in,
Oh! Five Star Chocolate Bar, you break my discipline.
Bharat Madhwani
I wrote this poem when I was just having a five star chocolate and a middle-aged friend, a lady, who saw me eating the chocolate, wanted me to share the chocolate with her. I had reached the last bite of the chocolate and it was between my lips and about to be between my teeth and this lady was so obsessed that she wouldnt mind sharing that last bit when I take it out from my mouth.
This lady had the chocolate and was so ecstatic.I just lived the experience that she was going through that she shared with me and she said, " I know chocolates are not good for my weight, yet, when I see a Five Star, .control nahin hota naa. kya karoon? And voila, this poem happened. Enjoy maadi.