I visited CCD, hauz khas today....nice place..pretty good ambiance and hospitality fine too...v friends had chocolate fantasy(60/- per piece) and its heaven man..way too yummy and that hot chocolate sauce is so damn tempting...then we had this strawberry soda which was more like a plain strawberry juice but was satisfying **( maybe not for 75/- a glass which was half covered with plain ice!!)
One thing **i didnt like was the menu card...bit torn, not very well-designed, i mean the kind of pain they give to our wallets can fetch them a good designed menu card..but again no doubts on the furniture, the decor, the attenders and of course the food and coffee....
They should havesome items(except water and mint candy) which are pocket friendly...like the menu carries digits which are paired as-60 or above!!!! But then again its cafe coffee day...it deserves!!
One thing more, i saw only newspapers there....where were the magazines or books...they should think of that...
Thats all I could bring out....i warm-heartedly welcome(n cold-heartedly the hot ones..lolzz;-) for enlightening me on ccd and other good coffee outlets(like barista)....