Cafe tuba is restaurant located in kausa mumbra. The service of the hotel is not good, like it takes too much time to serve the food, and also it consumes more time to deliver the food at home. The quality of the food is not good, the ingredients used in the making of the food is quite unhealthy. The oil used in the food are not quality mark. There is too much use of oil in the food, which makes it more unhealthy. The quality of the food is more worst as compared to other restaurants in mumbra. The interior of the hotel is too old, it looks like it has not been renewed for many years. The kitchen of the hotel is quite unhygienic. The prices of the food are quite high as compared to their quality , which means the food has no value for money. The service of the restaurant is also very slow. Overall you can spend your money in some other restaurant, rather than wasting it here.