The best game the the black ops franchise by far.
This game takes after call of duty advanced warfare, with its bio suits and jets. It is highly fast paced and intense in every way.
The story mode is surprisingly long as compared to previous games, that are fairly short. Now with realistic difficulty, tryarc have made sure they can even keep the pros entertained.
Gun selection and customisation is good! Lot of attachments and camouflages, unlockable through the online campaign, multilayer and zombies.
Zombies unfortunately has just one map as of now and its a little confusing as to what you have to do in it, but once you get the hang of it, it is a lot of fun. The sad part is that if you have joint online multiplayer late in the day, you are hilariously outgunned. But if youve got the skill youll get around that barrier. Fantastic game, a must buy