Theres simply no doubt about it - C&H has a CULT following, spanning age, geography and factions.... and those who read the comic swear by it with a fanatical fervour.
All for good reason.
Where else would one find the perfect blend of satire, humour, innocence and profundity... its like a cross between Socrates, Jim Carrey, Jaane bhi do yaaron, and ET
Consider the following, which are some of my favourite quotes from the comic (psst... they make brilliant T-Shirt slogans... esp the first one)
"There is never enough time to do all the nothing I want"
"Why should I have to WORK for something.... its like saying I dont deserve it"
"If you do the job badly enough.. sometimes you dont get asked to do it again"
"Life is full of precluded possibilities"
Whoever would think these are the words of a 6-year old, uttered in strict confidence to his best buddy. Yet, thats what they are, and thats what makes them so charming.
The reason why we all love Calvin and Hobbes is because we all can identify with them, at some point or the other...
for the kid in us, there is the joy of reliving childhood moments, relishing the pranks, summer holidays and spending time doing "nothing" , imagining situations where we are the hero, teasing and loving our friends, getting into fist-fights, going on exploring escapades ...
for the philosopher in us, there are thought provoking ideas, forcing us to pause and reflect upon where our lives are going, and what is really important, forces us also to do a "reality check" and see how far we have strayed ..........
for the miscreant in us, there is the comfort of knowing there are so many like us who hate to be "good and propah" all the time, and to see that there is so much fun doing what others dont do...
.... the list is endless.
There are as many dimensions to C&H as there are emotions, and its a roller-coaster ride through the pages of each book ... its unputdownable, its lovable and its addictive.
GO READ IT , and lose yourself in a world where theres treasure everywhere !!!!
God bless