Eternity in 1988, unlike some of its counterparts from that decade Eternity has lasted the course. When ever I think back to perfumes launched in the 80s I always end up thinking about the more "in your face" perfumes such as Diors Poison, Calvin Kleins Obsession and Yves St Laurents Opium, this could well be due to the fact I had friends who practically bathed in all of these perfumes. I of course might have been guilty of sporting the odd subtle squirt of Obsession from time to time
Yes its another perfume opinion and I know I said I wasnt going to go near the perfume department in Boots for a while - but Im easily lead astray you see! I blame my sister who practically dragged me kicking and screaming towards the perfume counters in Boots over Christmas! after liberally spraying Eternity on my wrist I eventually succumbed to temptation a few weeks later and bought perfumes.Calvin Klein launched.
Being and absolute fan of CK line of products I bought my first Eternity in 2005 and since then cant resist it. It launched a feeling of joy from the love of female new fragrance Eternity Moment timeless moment, the fresh flowers into the air, and re-interpretation of Eternity of the bottle to smooth the contours of the ultimate mellow shape of a happy eternity.
And to tell you all a secret. my boyfriend gets turned on with the fragrance!
The smell is so distinct and romantic that it captivates your senses.
Of course the price is around Rs.3000 but I say it worth it if you re are perfume lover. So go for it!