Id heard alot about Camy
wafers and ive tasted their salted potatoe chips too, Id had a pretty gud
experience until now, one of their outlets is quite close to where I stay. Very
often Ive thought about stopping by to pick up few snacks on the way home frm
sumwhere but havnt had the chance yet. Afew days ago a sister inlaw of mine
visited, & wat do u know she brought me loads of items from there. I was
really pleased as on the same day I had alot of other visitors. Id served
various other snacks with which there was few items from Camy. the cheese,
lime & plain salted flavoured wafers were a hit but the masala channas were
terrible. I actually saw some people pulling terrible face after eatng this
& one person even asked where it was from. How embarassing, not that
this food was stale or any thing, jst the flavour was horrible. I cant see
myself thinkng bout visitng there in the near future again