I waited for such a long time to get to know what happened to Ravin. But what I read made me feel that somehow the author has written the book because he had to write it.I found the soul missing in the book.
Rather than waiting for "what happened next?", I was just waiting for it to end.
When I read "I too." I was engrossed into the book. It was like I could see what was happening. But it took me a week to read this book! It was that boring.
You feel that the girl in Ravins life is a pampered mama-papas girl and Ravin a guy who will die before he hurts or looses her. Its "mills and boons" sort of story where you know from the beginning that "they live happily forever happen" will happen.
Frankly speaking the story is stale. Just read it if you want to know what happened to Ravin but dont keep your expectations high with this book.This book is a time-pass read.You will question if the same author have penned both the books!