To achieve total peace in this world of sudden terror, there are two methods. One is to identify the cause and eliminate it permanently from the roots, not just symptomatically.
If we take the Kashmir Problem for instance, placing half a million troops there, spending 40 crores a day guarding the border and killing fake-terrorists (like in Ansal Plaza) all over India is a symptomatic action. A proper action would be to take the remaining part of Kashmir, like Goa, Hyderabad, Junagad, etc. by sending our troops in POK or give it away to them for good. But what happens then to the 27% of our total budget that we spend on defence, and where do the politicians get their pound of flesh, from a bofors here and a tehelka there. The politicians also need a war like situation to divert attention from a national shame like Gujarat. Thus the fire keeps burning, churning out more and more terrorists.
According to me the Politicians are the greatest terrorists of the world, who unleash not sudden, but planned and continuous terror in the length and breadth of the world, for their personal agenda.
A more long-term solution would be to examine the similarities between all the major religions of the world and discuss them, with an understanding that we agree to disagree on the differences. All the religions speak in terms of their God being one and the same. If the God of the Jews, Christians, Muslims & Hindus is the common denominator why is there such a lot of strife? The reason being that though the God is a Common factor, our perceptions of Him is different. If we gain a common ground on this most similar aspect of all the religions, a truly lasting solution of Peace can be achieved.
In the end I would like to bring your attention to fact that the ISLAM when translated in English means PEACE. It is a religion of Peace, but allows force to eliminate those, who for their personal agenda, would like to disrupt this Peace. That is where the concept Jihad comes in, like we have the Police in our societies. Lookup for Jihad and you will find all the relevant information there at the following link (pls cut & paste on your address bar)
Also have a look at for more info about Islam