There is a difference between afreedom fighter and aterrorist. Afreedom fighter does not live in the center of his village or town. Aterrorist does.
Afreedom fighter fights an army and doesnt kill innocent people. Aterrorist does.
I have read the Koran and I cant find any place that preachess violence. The Imans who have strayed away from the true believers preach it daily.
I dont believe in giving in to terrorists. I dont believe only the United States is under attach. Think about what happened to the French Ship in Yemen, what happened at the Night Club in Bali and other recent events.
I find it sad that my Country, Canada, harborsterrorists not just recent ones but the Nazis who escaped.
The question is can there be peace in this World of Terror? I dont believe there can until be all realize that we are all the same people.
The color of our skin comes from the sun in the area of our homelands. If we are Religious we all believe in the same one G-D, we just call our Supreme Being by a different name.
The United States should not be fighting thisWar On Terror alone. Only the United Kingdom and Israel has agreed to fight by her side.
I am ashamed of my Country and all Countries who do not face thisdemon in the face and sayenough already.
I am not saying this because I am Jewish. I am a Human being first and I believe in humanity. I dont hate Muslims. I dont believe that theterrorists who are martyring themself fortheir cause are true Muslims.
In Northen Ireland it took the Protestant and Catholic Mothers to stand up together and say “enough is enough”.
The Women in Israel were the ones who started the “Peace Now Movement”, (Men are now members).
Where are the Muslim Mothers to stand up and say “enough is enough”?
True, that there is not peace in Northern Ireland or Israel
but the Women did get the Men start to talk about peace.
Until they do there will not be peace in my life time.
Old Men send young Men to fight their battles for them. It will take the Women to take matters in hand and scream from every roof top around the World, ‘ENOUGH ALREADY”!