Hi firend this is your one of the best firnd to day I wont to be a share with you one of the best bank which is the name is the canara bank and I wont to be a said about the one of the best branch of the canara is the the camp branch so nice of the service they are to be provide to the customer and the public also if you wont to be a open any kind of the an account so you can be a open you account in the camp branch
so nice of this bank so what can I say about this camp branch it is the amazing bank this is the one of the international bank you know very well and this bank service provide superb I love this bank service .lot of bank service they are to be a provide to the consumer .first of fall I wont to talk about the bank staff it is the very help full and the very understanding they are be a help every time any where this is the main point of this bank and the very good bank it has the best of the atm service at all this is the very good pathe for the remove the money and the dont staff in the q for the money remove when ever you need the money that time you can get the money
this is the internationa bank so you can send the money from this bank to the other country it is the very good service for the out sider country consumer who stay in the our india this is the very good and golden opportunity for you I love this bank very well .
this bank manager is the one of the very good and every time he help to the consumer and the bank staff any kind of the problem they are to be a facing suddenly they have to be a help and lot of the service they are to be a provide to the consumer
I love this bank if you wont to open any account so you can open account in this bank and especially the camp branch
thank you