Hello friends. Today I am shearing my view and experience with this great Band named as Canara Bank.
I have opened my account in this bank on 22Dec. 2017. I go to bank with a taught that opening a account will take more than 1 week because of the past experience with other bank. Then I submitted my papers and they saied to me wait for sometime. I taught that they will take my sign on any kind of form. But I was really surorice that yery said me that your account is open now. I reask them that are you saying truth.
This bank have fastest service I have seen I my life. They open the account within 15-20 min. Only. And after that they said me that you can take your debit card tommarow and here I was second time surprised.
Next day I took my debit card and here I was thirdly suprised that the Debit card starts working within 24 hr.
At that bank I found that this is called the service to the customer.
This bank is wonderful in all things.