Candy crush is a very nice time pass game at online. Many of them(may be around 1 crore people) are playing this game and very very popular and all aged people are aware of this game. But, slowly people are addicting to this game and spending lot of amount also to buy boosters or gold bars to buy lives.
I feel, now a days not requires spending money for buying gold bars/ boosters on this game and Facebook has been introduced new concept of Sugar candies in few levels out of whatever we have completed/achieved as part of this game.We will get the free boosters/gold bars; as much as we earned sugar candies. Its very nice right.
Also, 2 days on-wards Candy Crush game has started highlighting difficult levels as differently than the other levels and also showing the text as " "Hard Level". It means, any once can understand the level complexity buy observing this new feature.