Ive been utilizing this camera for a long while and I can guarantee that this one is much better than any dSLR one can discover in this value section. In addition, the picture results are damn great, hues are fresh, splendid and exactly what one can anticipate from a dSLR.
This camera is really nice for tenderfoots. Its simple to use with the Auto mode notwithstanding for a novice. In any case, on the off chance that you need to use the full force of the camera the manual mode is great! With the IS lens your photos wont go foggy notwithstanding taking pictures at low screen speed(without tripod). I would say this is the ideal purchase on the off chance that you are getting ready for a SLR.
This works incredible as ordinance give lens level picture adjustment. While taking snap if your hand shake then likewise it will deal with it. In any case, on the off chance that you expect that it will conflict with long presentation time then it wont function admirably.