The first reason for writing this review is that even I read a number of reviews before buying a SLR and they really helped me a lot, so I hope that even my Review would help many of you to take a sound decision.
A couple of moths back, i hardly knew anything about SLRs. what I knew was that I had to buy one. After a deep research I finally shortlisted Canon eos 600d and nikon D3200.
Both cameras are equally good, and I finally chose Canon eos 600d on the basis of reviews and advice from my friends.
its a great cam for the beginners I must say and I would like to thank all those whose reviews helped me.
> Megapixels hardly matter in SLRs. so a 18mp canon can perform equally good like nikon 24mp
> eos 600d has a rotatable screen which is a useful feature which nikon d3200 does not has.
This info is more than enough for beginners.
just buy this cam, read tutorials on the net, watch some fundamental videos on youtube and start clicking.