Hammering your head? Tired of planning? Frustrated of google searching as to which brand and which model of digicam to buy? Heres a simple solution for you. If you are a CEO, MD, GM, RM, Tycoon and not having much time out for petty things like taking out an your expensive camera often, lingering it very cautiously and carefully wherever you go, doing some major adjustments with the lenses and colors, then relax!!!!! Close your eye, take a deep breath and set your mind to bye Canon Powershot A550 7.1 MP 4X Zoom. Easy to carry and handle with excellent features, and not to forget a cute pouch as a bonus. No major adjustments required as most of the things are inbuilt, picture quality is above the mark, Video quality above your expectation, plug - download - print...done...its that easy....& woof!!!!!! What more do you expect from this tiny thing? Yes. Expect more. Breathtaking bird of rare species sitting on a branch of tree too far? Want to prison it in your camera? Zoom!!! 4X yaar!!
Zoom your lense and get your cute little pie just in front of your eyes and catch it !!! Not literally :)
You are a hardcore housewife? Not at all technosavy? No problem at all. Press two buttons. One to swith it on and another to click....You are a photographer :) Only remember to keep your hand tight and fixed. Come on...You are anyways fixing your husbands head tight all along...this is nothing :)
Price?? Dont ask..You cant expect any cheaper than this with all the required features in-built.
So, all set? Get...set..and...go to your nearest shop!!! HAPPY PHOTOGRAPHING :)