Before I go into the Product review let me discuss some of the few term used in digital camera world. Megapixel= 10, 00, 000 Pixel Pixel( short forpicture element) is represented using dots, squares, or rectangles which combine to form a digital image. So a larger pixel camera fits into a Picture larger number of dots, which means the image will take large amount of Memory space. suppose you will only be printing pictures to a normal print(say 5×7) Then a 4 MP camera would do an equivalent job as a 8 MP camera.
Zooming There are two kinds of zoom DIGITAL and OPTICAL. The digital zoom is of no importance as it does make the object closer. It simply makes the original picture bigger. Unlike optical zoom which actually makes the object closer. eg a 2x zoom means the object is double the size. If your are not a wildlife photographer you dont need high end zooming of 12x. 3x is more than sufficient. ISO It is a measure for a camera as to how sensitive it is to light.Film with lower ISO requires a longer exposure While with higher ISO we can can shoot the same scene with a shorter exposure. Ok now what I personally feel about the camera.
Let me tell you I dont own it but had a chance to use it while we had gone for a a little adventure trip into the mountains. I own A Kodak C613. The best thing about the camera is that the startup time is really low. just over a second. So when you have to take fast shots, Just point and shoot. Best Thing was the easy mode. It is very effective for "Just Starters". As this mode makes all decision automatically based on the light conditions and all. There was one other thing while taking pictures of very small objects there a little blurring.
Though other cameras also have the same problem. But considering its resolution and price I thought I would do better. Another thing is the red eye correction. It can remove the rednind of eyes when we use flash in dark.