"Canon S2 IS" is simply amazing. A truly world class product from Canon. I am using it since last one year... Very simple to use. If you are not used to digi camera then simply put the camera mode to Automatic and click the pictures. I bought this camera in USA. I am a software professional but, this camera tuns me into a photographer in just a less than minute. It has n number of features.
I call it as a mini SLR. It has a powerful flash. Even in the stark blackout it takes pictures very clearly... it is a classic digi cam. Before buying this camera I did lot of analysis. And finally I decided to go for it... it has a powerful 12x optical zoom and 4x digital zoom. If you combine digital and optical zoom it goes upto 48x zoom... which is simply mind blowing. Few days back, I had been to Alibaug & Matheran.
I clicked lot of snaps and they have come out really good. Really very good...
Go for it.