Canon PowerShot A2300 Point & Shoot
Good points:
1) 5x optical zoom.
2) Small and slim, light and sleek.
3) 16 Megapixel Sensor.
4) Very good macro in this range.
5) good quality picture, comparing to other models in this range.(dnt go for the quality reflected in the camera LCD, see in any laptop then you can feel the difference.
6) Good battery performance
Bad points:
1) No optical image stabilization.(in a bit low light and with 3-5X zoom the images comes blur. but dnt worry it happened only where the light is low. in day light or using flash this will not pinch you)
2) Digital IS is not full resolution.
3) No optical zoom while in movie mode.
4) No pause button in movie mode(its very common.)
5) No Panorama mode
6) Poor High ISO noise performance.
Highly recommended for the beginners.