I had been waiting for very long to buy my first camera, and when I finally got my SX110 IS, I could not have been more happy. Decided on canon, not just because of the brand presence, but also due to recos from lots of people, who had canons. I first had my eye on S3IS, after which the SX100 IS was released in 2008.
It was crazy over how so much is packed into so little. Ofcouse, the SX IS series has more feautres like swivel LCD and all. But the neat, light SX100 was more value for money. I had to wait till Dec08 to get the SX110, which was a much cheaper much better SX100.
I have used it both for outdoor and indoor, the clarity with high image resolution is too good. The 3 inch LCD is superb, esp during playback. Sometimes, the images are grainy, with full zoom, but
its more about my shooting than the camera itself I think. I am still new to cameras and will learn with time. I am waiting for my next trip, and hopefully learn more tricks by then.
Will update when I do.