It was by sheer chance (call it my lazy surfing!) that I stumbled upon this site and I have been hooked since then .........visiting this site religiously everyday for my daily dose.
I can bet that by the time you will reach the end of this review, you will have a feeling that :--
U hv missed something useful -----> If U hv not visited it till now;
Ur impression and experience to an extent matches my first few words ------------> If u r a regular;
U dont agree with me at all -------> Very Few will be there ! but I wud like to know (Pls let me know thru Comments section)
Any other feeling ----> Not worth mentioning !!!
First the common stuff :-- This site has a lot of links common to many other similar becoming a member, creating/maintaining your portfolio, Near online quotes, NAVs of MFs.....Highlights of the day, Sector trends, economy.....columnists etc etc !
But U are interested more in What sets this apart from the others ( Equitymaster ..5paisa...walletwatch....myiris...01 markets...icicimarkets...indiainfoline....investmartindia...paisapower...moneycontrol.....the list is long if not endless) :--
StockTalk : Very few must be knowing that there is a Billboard where you can write to the other members, give advice, ask for advice, gather info, see analyses! There are ppl like you and me, a lot of other casual grazers and a very few EXPERTS...who rate the scrips, give tips n targets, forecast/guess future trends/price levels explaining their analysis...technical fundamentals (Like Price/Earnings per share ratio...Williamson%, level calculations....volumes traded with respect to direction of Sensex...etc etc ). There are some regular experts who are and also share there experiences on this counter-----Kukku, Vinita, Chanish for a few!
Caution : Try it out yourself, track their advices for some time, say 3 months...n see for yourself. No Commitments......No promises...Your trusted risk. But........Most recommended by me personally !
I have personally found this quite interesting and am a very regular visitor here.....
AGMs : The highlights of the AGMs are posted the next day itself (latest). A lot of relevant info is posted here. Worth a hit !
Stock ALert / Market Forecast :- Stock Alert is given before the days trading starts, atleast 75% of the predictions work, though at times you may/will feel that even U could sense/forecast that.
News/Hot Pursuit : Small one-liners pop thruout giving the hit news (biz related mostly) adding value to your data of market/scrip.
Of course, they need to improve upon (to name a few) :--
The speed of loading,
Add a dash of vibrancy to the site (colour, minor revamp),
Some contests for you n me to maintain high retention rate of viewers
All in all......i think it is definitely a GOOD allround market-site apart from their popular journal by the same name! Dontmiss !