Who r trading, please please please who r trading in share market please dont take calls from capitalvia, they r big frads.
I have taken hni service from them, they told me we will make so much profit, but they make me so much loss i have lost all my hardened money by trading with them, atleast they did not make my subscription fee also.all their calls r stop loss triggered, when we ask they tell plese upgrade pfofile by paying some more money.
They r giving only small targets, even ordinary traders can do it himself.they r big big big fraders, one tine i have asked for a free trial, in that trial they have made me money after that i have subscribed by paying huge money,
All the phone calls coming from them, they r well trained they will make us make a payment by talking so much, so please traders dont take calls of capitalvia, they will encash your hardened money.