Being another version of the film English Patient and not offering something very outstanding, this one will give u a good taste with its well emotional and cast structure...
I like this guy, Cage, even though he is not believed to be another Costner or Willis.I dont remember if English Patient revealed some lessons about life but this one, although being a love film, reveals some good lessons...
The film starts in a little Greek island, Cephalonia, in the year 1940.The 2nd world war recently started and the Italian and the German have invaded Greece.Cage plays a Italin officer Captain Corelli and Cruz the innocent daughter of the doctor of the island, Pelagia...After the invasion of the island by the Italians, Corelli and Pelagia fall in love with eachother and the whole story proceeds on this abstract.Im not gonna give the whole description of the scenario, as I said its a new version of the film English Patient but instead I want to tell about the other properties of the film...
You will be able to see beautiful landscapes of the lovely Mediterranean nature with good filming quality.Cage and Cruz have presented a performance much more above the average but in fact all of the cast performance is above average.You will able to see once more that war is a real disaster which ruins the lives of nations however, dont expect a Saving Private Ryan which was mainly based on war.
I especially would like to tell u about the messages revealed which I love to find in movies.As Corelli presents a very cheerful character structure and shocks everyone with his joy which is too weird for the circumstances of war, the first message is revealed;no matter how much the conditions are bad and no matter how much ur in trouble, if u have found the opportunity to have fun and enjoy urself, take it and try to enjoy it with even every cell of ur body;cause misery and trouble are always around but happiness is not always found and once found it should be enjoyed whatever the circumstances are...
The second is about love which the doctor reveals.He makes the definition of love which has probably been made for a million times but according to me its perhaps one of the best definitions ever made...Love is not the powerful flames burning up ur body and soul at the first stage;its not the explosion of ur feelings which u feel against ur lover;actually its the core left after the flames, but not ashes, and its the lovely and calm sympathy u feel to ur partner after the burning state.Seems an original definition to me and besides nearly completely right.What do u say?
There are certainly much more messages to be picked but these were the major ones according to me.The negative point is the slow rhytm of the film which is generally common in this type.U should really be interested on this kind otherwise the slow rhytm may bore u.
With its good emotional atmosphere, the lovely landscape and the good filming quality and cast performance this one offers u a fine watching period although it seems to be another version of the original one...Will love to share hear ur opinions too...