Avoid Care Hospitals unless you are a film actor or a politician.
Care has been quite commercialised. Has become quite insensitive. and pathetic as far as treatment for the normals is concerned, even after paying the fees. Ofcourse if you are a movie star or a superrich guy who can pay lakhs and crores, you can even get fake reports and kingly treatments, like in the case of the Film actor Bala Krishna(an open secret). Rumour goes that Bala Krishna had to pay 3-4 crores to get his bullet shot treated and the report written in his favour to avoid legal action. It seems, in CARE, if you have the money all kinds of illegal activities related to medical field are taken care of completely from start to end, without you needing to move a pin.
I have no idea how CARE hospitals was at the time the previous reviews have been written.
But offlate I have certainly been hearing a lot of negative reviews about care hospitals from my own friends who have got themselves or their families treated over there.
Care hospitals has become too commercial and the famed doctor, Dr.Somaraju has also been said to have become insensitive and commercially biased. I know he is a doctor with a lot of fame, infact my own elder sister who is a doctor has been taught a course by him while she studied in Osmania Medical College, had once told me that he used to take courses at 6 AM in the morning. But that doesnt seem to show much about his sensitivity to patients.
Medical Industry has become commercial biased and Care seems to have joined the leagues of Yashoda hospitals.
The reviews I have heard bout Care seem to be really movie kinda stuff.
My friend joined his father over in Care and not until the money (Rs.70, 000) per day was paid early in the morning was he intimated bout the condition of his father.
I was reminded of the movie Tagore when he said that.
It seems frequently when he asked the doctors about the condition of his father, the doctor would blurt out saying - Did you pay the money.
The worst thing was that sometimes when he was caught up in traffic or was delayed even by half an hour and called up to inform that he was on his way to the hospitals to pay up, the hospital staff refused to give his father the daily dose of medication. Only after you pay the fees would your father be given his medication - was the curt reply even tho he explained his delay**.
If that was only one small issue, the doctors had regulary been refusing to give an update on his fathers condition even after charging their high fees of Rs. 70 K per day. **Not a single day did they tell him how long it would take nor how his condition was.
The patient expired. Was it the treatment or was it the apathy on behalf of the doctors.People go to CARE only because they think its the best hospital in town. Only because they need to save their kith and kin.
And am not claiming this because of just one incident to one of my friends. I have heard many stories like this about CARE. I had received similar reports when I used to work in the health industry an year ago.
It is high time we make thorough research bout which hospital to go to for ailments and treatments.