Whenever, a student completes thier education, they make their profile on online job portal in search of job and in the same way I made a account with careerbilder.co.in which is the URL of the web site, also they has there app in the same name. Its scustomer is none of use, after sendin an e-mail to them, I never received replies on e-mail. After making a profile, I received many e-mail of jobs within 1-2 days, but, most of the e-mail were none of use eventhough I had mentioned profile for fresher I was receiving emails for experienced candidates. Some of the e-mail which was related to my profile was with insufficient of information & content.
Its website & mobile application is not userfriendly, because after applying for the job there was no any option were available to track applied jobs, also, it was taking much more time to show results.