Series of events: I was contact first on telegram by a user called jyothi sharma. Asking if I need a part time/ full time job regarding writing comments and reviews online. She asked me few questions.
Year of birth
Then she asked me if I need part time(1-3hrs) or full time(3-5hrs) payment is 1200-1800 part time and 4500 rs full time
Then she asked me what would be a good time to call you: A. Morning B. Afternoon C. Evening.
When I asked about the company name. She said careersma recruitment. I asked where is it; she replied new delhi; I asked for her email id; she dint reply.
Later same afternoon another telegram user with name Saranya texted me on telegram. Informing me she is from "Make my trip" and she will guide me on how to register for the job. She asked me to click on a url("") and fill in my details like phone no; password; captcha etc and then click submit. Once I do that she asked me to inform her. I did and then she asked me to send a screenshot. I then said I am not able to take a screenshot. She asked me to login into the url again; then I said I am not able to reach the url.
I have more screenshots available with me for the entire story and more data but mouthshut doesnt allow so many screenshots. I have all the evidence here. Please be aware all of you and dont let these scammers scam you. Stay safe.