My hands and the heels of my feet get dry and rough in the winter. My secret is after a hot shower mix equal parts of baby oil and 100% pure virgin olive oil and coat my hands with it, I then put on a pair of 100% pure cotton gloves and wear them over night or at least for a couple of hours. Your hands will be smoother and not as dry.
For my heels I do the same only I put on 100% pure cotton socks. I usually do my feet once a week after my morning shower and wear the socks all day. For the body after your shower take equal parts of baby oil and body lotion and apply to your entire body and then get dress. Or you can wrap up in a 100% pure cotton sheet and go to sleep. I keep a bottle of body lotion and baby oil and a bottle of baby oil and olive oil mixed and ready to go. It is easier and faster to use.