A persons charm depend on clear, beautiful and sparkling eyes. Eyes, like other parts of the body also needs to be taken care of. Here are a few ways of keeping your eyes bright and beautiful..
To rest the eyes, lift them occasionally from close work and look into the distance.Give rest to your tired eyes by applying two thin slices of cucumber as cool compress and relax as you do so.Splash cold water occasionally to eyes to relax them and bring back the sparkle to tired eyes.
Prevent the glare of light which has a fatiguing effect on the eyes.Light fixtures in the bedroom should reflect light upwards as well as outwards and not direct on the eyes.While working in front of your computer, use anti glare glasses for the eyes or an anti glare screen for your system.
Dip gauze pads in light tea and keep on the tired eye for 15 minutes.
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin A.
To fade away dark circles below the eyes, make paste of three almond kernels and milk. Apply this paste: and leave till it dries.
To remove puffiness under the eyes, use raw potato paste sandwiched between two thin pieces, and keep on the eyes for 20 minute.
When applying cream or make up around the eyes use the ring finger (as it exerts less pressure). Dark shadows and tiny
lines under the eyes can be disguised by applying a light coloured foundation under them and smoothening them.