Servicing my car from Carnation Auto (NOIDA) service with many showrooms across India started{ by a certain Mr. Jagdish khattar some High ranking ex official from Maruti Suzuki }. It has the worst service standards. The showrooms have nice lobby and colourful front office all designed to hide the worst service they can provide. It is something similar to hotel with nice frontage and reception and dirty rooms inside.
My car which I have been servicing from reputed maruti Maruti Dealers. My car had no problems at the time of giving to service. After service the car had weird vibrations at idling. On taking it back after 10-15 days as I went out of town after they returned by car. They tried to put the problem back on me saying this is a post service problem.
On calling them again and again they charged me again with the problem remaining as it is. Last advice from carnation sell your car . As the engine needs to be overhauled completely and would cost Rs. 50000/- now .
They have a fancy website where you can write to Mr. khattar . Mr . khattar never responded to my e-mail. My car has lost pick up developed severe problems .
A middle class maruti user . I do know what to do. Seems he is busy giving interviews to media. Carnation Auto lacks competence to serve cars at .
Please do not change your service provider and take your car to carnation