My love for Stephen Kings novels started with Carrie. I was 12 when this book first came out. I had my allowance and wanted something to read. I came across Carrie. It looked good so I got it. Since I was a 12-year-old girl, my mother was NOT amused. But it didnt stop me from reading it none the less.
This is about a 16-year-old girl named Carrie White. She is a shy, awkward girl who doesnt have any friends. Having a mother, like Margaret White, who is a religious fanatic didnt help her at all. Basically, she is a misfit that absolutely no one likes or loves, including her own mother. I really feel badly for her because she seems all alone.
Carrie has always been the brunt of everyones jokes for the majority of her life. But at 16, Carries telekinetic powers kicked in full force. She finally gets revenge at the senior prom. This is the only part Im not happy about. It is necessary to the plot. But I just hate revenge.
I did feel sorry for her. No one was really in her corner. I think most of us know someone like Carrie in our lives, minus the powers of destruction, that is. You know, the school nerd or someone shy or a loner. The person that no one liked. I felt for when the girls chastised her over her first period. And dumping blood on a girl for going to the prom with the most popular boy in school is going just a little bit too far, if you ask me. I know, you didnt ask me. While I understand why Carrie would want revenge, that was going too far also.
But all in all, it was a pretty good book, even with the gruesome, graphic parts. I didnt think it was as scary as other books that Stephen King has written, like The Shining or Misery. But it had its scary moments. And it compensated in other areas, such as having some compassion for the main character of this story.