This review is on one of Stephen Kings first novels..
Carrie. It is also the first King novel to make the best seller list and remain there for many weeks.
I remember reading this book years ago and remaining glued to it throughout the night until I finished it in one sitting.
A brief summary (not to give the whole book away) is that this book is about an overly protected teenage girl. Her mother is an over zealous religious fanatic who will not allow Carrie to live and grow up in the world of normal teenagers.
Carrie was born with telekenetic powers, which enables her to make things happen at will.
The book takes place mostly while Carrie is in school, and allows us to see the taunting and teasing she has to go through because of how sheltered her mother has kept her.
While Carrie was showering after gym class in school one day, Carrie becomes a woman and has no idea why or what is happening. She actually thinks she is bleeding to death for her bad thoughts. A kindly teacher takes her aside, explains what is happening and proceeds to help Carrie get through her teenage years.
Until prom night!!! I really cant give this part of the book away(it would ruin it for those who havent read it!)
But I will say, what happens on prom night is when we get to learn what a master of writing Stephen King really is.
For those of you who like to read horror stories, I recommend all of Stephen Kings books, but start with Carrie and work your way up, through the many other books and novellas he has written over the years. Each one surpassing the one before it.
(By the way, he also writes under the name Richard Bachman...wonderful horror stories as well)